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you used the terms '
you used the terms 'occupied land'/'occupied village' quite eesentivxly and loosely.i, too, view Palestinian-Israel issue as a left-over colonialist era.however, the following questions should also be answered in a clip if it's to be objective:- Where did Jews originated from?- If Jews have been around on the land for (at least) 2000 years, do they not have claim on the land?- Since when "Palestine" as entity exist? ..and hence, what right they have to claim the lands uniterally??- how can you describe the jews returning Israel as immigrant, when Israel itself doesn't view them that way??!!- Did the Jews find "land without people" as they claim? How about land "without government" ?? In any case, its a peace of land which belong to British to be given away the people indigenous to the land ....who are Arab and Jews!!! - How about suicide bomber and missiles launched at Israel people and cities? (what?? they are fighting for occupied land??? ..then answer previous question, does Israel have a claim on the land??)..and Most Importantly,- to move forward,WHO IS IN-CHARGE IN PALESTINE???? who can enforce a Peace Agreement ??? who can punish suicide-bomber or rocket launcher ..after agreement is signed ????????? WHO ????Hamas or PLO ?? ..or Laskar Jihad?please open your mind, the real problem in that land is not all caused by Israel. In fact, the significant, the more complicated one ..are products of Palestine (if such entity exists). At least, the Jews -while hard bargainer- is NOT more hindrance to peace than the Arab does. [url=]vbaagdqvfk[/url] [link=]ktxnphxfl[/link]
In the interests of
In the interests of those sutjcebed to SOG's constant name-calling, ethnic slurs, and questioning of Phil's self-identification as a Jew, here's some context:The Gilad Atzmon Interview,by nessie, San Francisco Indymedia, January 27, 2004 "Gilad Atzmon: I don't have any plans to go Israel, neither to visit nor to live there. I would be delighted to come back to a civilized place. I assume that when that happens it won't be Israel anymore probably democratic Palestine. nessie: How would you be treated? Gilad: As we learn from the news, yesterday an Israeli soldier opened fire on another Israeli while in a demonstration against the emerging wall. Identifying myself with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian struggle, I would expect to be treated as a Palestinian. It isn't an experience one would look for Gilad: I am fully familiar with the fact that some Zionists do not like me, and they manage to be pretty vocal about it. We have to remember that hatred is fundamental to Zionist thought and to Zionist people. First they hated the European Gentiles, then it was the Assimilated Jews, then the Arabs, and now it's me. This is exactly what I am saying about Zionists. They need to hate, but more than anything else they need to be hated nessie: What do you have to say to people who call you a "self-hating Jew", or a "pawn of the anti-Semites", or an "anti-Semite" yourself? Gilad: Naming is very crucial in Jewish thought. God is called "A-Shem" in Hebrew which means "The Name". The Jewish circumcision ceremony is named in Hebrew "Brit Mila" which means "a covenant with the word". Jews, along their long history, have had very many names for their many many enemies only because their enemies define their segregated identity. In biblical times it was "Amalek", then the "Philistines", then the indigenous habitants of Canaan, then it was "Jesus" and his followers , then "Christianity". Then the Zionists came and improved the model. First it was the "Assimilated Jew", then the "Palestinians", then the "Arabs", then "Rabin", then the "European Union", then "SF Indymedia", then you, and now it's "Gilad", a jazz player from London, the "self-hating Jew", the "pawn of the anti-Semites". I say names, names, and names! I read your site and follow the Zionist verbal abuse. It is clear that those Zionists, who stand behind those provocations, enjoy the public contempt they manage to generate. They enjoy being ugly. We have to remember that the Zionist identity is defined by negative dialectic, by its opposition. In a way, both you and I are supporting some mentally psychotic creatures. We just have to remember that the brothers of those psychotic people are living in Palestine. They are fueled by very similar energies, and they turn the Middle East into a ticking bomb. They have hundreds of nuclear bombs, and they put our planet at a severe risk. nessie: Your disparagers around here can't seem to decide whether you are a "self-hating" Jew, or even a Jew at all. What's wrong with these people? Gilad: Judaism is all about differentiation (avdala). Differentiation between the sacred (Sabbath) and the "everyday", between the Jew and the Goy (Gentile), between the chosen and the inferior, between dairy products and meat ones, between Kosher and non-Kosher, and so on. In order to allow the Jew to cope with his self-imposed strange reality of segregation and prohibitions, every aspect in the Jewish daily life is supported by the Talmudic "grand theory". Rabbinical Judaism is a system of laws that create a form of correspondence between prohibitions and dated explanations, explanations that are far too short to satisfy any rational mind. (J. Lacan would say that it is the lack of satisfying explanation which portrays the depth of genuine religious conviction) Zionism, a secular movement, adopted this very rabbinical method. When it gets to criticism it would be categorically classified as anti-Semitism (as if anti-Semitism is a form of explanation). The Zionist would argue that all Gentiles are anti-Semites. It makes life very simple unless you really need the support of the Gentile. (For instance, when the Israeli needs the American aid, then the Americans stop being anti-Semites and become good Gentiles, at least temporarily). When it comes to criticism raised by a "Jew," Zionists get into a real problem. Because Zionism is supposed to be the "final solution" for all Jews, wherever they are, any criticism made by a Jew must be eradicated. As you, yourself, noticed, one popular way is to define the critical "brother" as a "self hating" Jew. The other method is to declare that the critical voice isn't actually a Jew or even not a Jew anymore. The later is obvious. If one isn't a Jew, he must be a Gentile; hence, an anti-Semite. No more explanation needed! The former is more interesting because "self-hating" is basically a form of psychotic mode. The Zionists actually admit that something went wrong in the process of Jewish reproduction. A member of the community "lost his mind". First, it saved the Zionists, themselves, from taking any criticism from a "mad man". Second, it warns the rest of the world not to take the criticism seriously, the man is apparently "mad". For many years this doctrine was pretty effective. Jewish anti-Zionists calls were successfully muted by the Zionist lobbies, but apparently this doctrine isn't effective anymore. The western world and Europe, especially, are far too tired of the Zionist victim blackmail. With Israeli atrocities on the TV screen night after night, people start to realize that the "mad," "self hating Jew" might have something crucial to say. We better listen to him. Haaretz published today that "nearly one in five Britons would oppose having a Jew as Prime Minister, and one in seven believes the scale of the Holocaust is exaggerated" ( 24.1.2004). The Zionist conspiracy to control world opinion is proved to be counter-effective. The British people start to show some real signs of severe fatigue. The French and the Germans are already really tired. If anything, the world is awaiting for the "self hating" Jews to open their mouth. Uri Avinery, Gideon Levi and Amira Hess are far more popular in SF-IMC than in Tel Aviv. When it comes to me, my racial identity isn't something I would like to share with the world. I have never spoken as a Jew or in the name of any Jewish people. I do not think it gives me any credentials. In the doomed reality created by Israel, being a Jew becomes something to hide rather than being proud of. I speak on behalf of myself. I speak as someone who was born in Israel and escaped as soon as he realised what being an Israeli is involved with. I wouldn't say that I hate myself, but I would admit that I find it very difficult to "love" those who claim to be my brothers."["Human rodents?" "Rats?" The dehumanization of the non-Jewish Other is the foundation of Jewish racism, as exemplified here. Support the Palestinian struggle for human rights and this Jewish bigot calls you a "rat," an "animal." But Jews are beyond reproach because they control the terms of public discourse and have cowed all protest of their power and racism into total submission. Anyone who wrote such an article as this with a Jewish name replacing Arafat's would lose his job (at the very least) and be persecuted by the full, relentless force of the punishing Jewish Lobby which emphatically forbids this kind of commentary if the subject is a Jew. Note also that generic Europeans are expressly depicted below as murderous "anti-Semites," and also "rats" and "animals." Jewish "hate" takes in the full field of non-Jews -- whoever dares to shine the Light of Justice in their eyes.]
Thanks for writing s
Thanks for writing such an eau-stoy-nderstand article on this topic. [url=]ngpkvvrxyrb[/url] [link=]egkbaljomi[/link]
a solution may lie i
a solution may lie in a feoreatidn of Israeli and Palestinian entities, perhaps as part of a regional body including Arab states worried about Iranian hegemony. Mr Burg suggests the EU might eventually hold out membership to the region, including Israel and the Palestinians, as a peace incentive.Hmmm? And for America to "to reconsider its “orientation” of conflating “Euro-” and “Arabophobia" into: "Europistan" as typifying the ultimate pan-Islamist-threat That Israel and America stop to function as some kind of hybridization between clairvoyant and barometer that eternally shows 1938 degrees?
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- Extended warranties mean a betetr product (the manafacturer knows that he has a product less likely to fail, that's why he offers an extended warranty, but why should you pay for it?).- You can afford it if you can't afford the insurance (insurance is part of the cost and if you are unable to afford it then the whole purchase is too expensive).- Interest free (all money borrowings have a cost pay cash up front and pay less).

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